2012年 内閣総理大臣認可
日本歯科先端技術研究所 在籍
2013年 コロンビア大学
Dental Medicine Diplomate
Program 修了
2014年 BrilliaCity横浜磯子
友生歯科医院 開設
Dr. Dennis Tarnowと
コロンビア大学歯学部 インプラント科 臨床教授
元ニューヨーク大学歯学部 最高責任者 インプラント科 教授
インプラント周囲の審美的な歯冠乳頭の再生に関する基本原理「ターナーの法則」を提唱したインプラントの世界的権威で、先生の書いた論文はインプラント治療を行う世界中の歯科医師が読んでいます。Dr. Tarnowからインプラント治療に関し多くの理論とテクニックを学んだことが、インプラント治療を大きく変えました。
Dr. Dennis Tarnow is currently Clinical Professor of Periodontology and Director of Implant Education at Columbia School of Dental Medicine. He is the former Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry. Dr. Tarnow has a certificate in Periodontics and Prosthodontics and is a Diplomat of the American Board of Periodontology. He is a recipient of the Master Clinician Award from the American Academy of Periodontology, Teacher of the Year Award from New York University and Distinguished Lecturer Award from the American College of Prosthodontists in 2015, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.
Dr. Tarnow has a private multispecialty interdisciplinary practice in New York City, and has been honored with a wing named after him at New York University College of Dentistry. He has published over 250 articles on perio-prosthodontics and implant dentistry and has co-authored four textbooks including The Single Tooth Implant. Dr. Tarnow has lectured extensively in the United States and internationally in over forty-five countries.
Dr. Henry Salamaと
Dr. Salamaから得た審美治療のテクニックは今でもインプラント治療で役立っています。
Dr. Salama received separate post-doctoral specialty certificates in both periodontics and periodontal-prosthesis, fixed prosthodontics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the former director of the Implant Research Center and Clinical Professor in the Department of Periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Salama is currently in private practice in Atlanta, Geargia. The practice is limited to advanced restorative, esthetic and implant therapy. Dr. Salama lectures extensively nationally and internationally and has published numerous scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals over the past 30 years. His clinical research activities focus on long-term stability of bone and soft tissue enhancement therapies, as well as minimally invasive techniques in esthetics and implant dentistry.
Dr. Preston D. Miller, Jr.と
元アメリカ歯周病学会(AAP)会長で「歯肉退縮の分類」の提唱者で、歯周病学会の世界的権威です。Dr. Millerの歯肉のマネジメントに関する考え方は、当院のインプラント周囲粘膜の構築やメインテナンスに活かされています。
Clinical professor, Department of Periodontics, University of Tennessee, Center for Health Sciences, 6268 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38119.
Dr. Miller was the recipient of 2012 AAP Academy Gold Medal Award., serving as President in 2006-2007. Dr. Miller has also been involved in the AAP Foundation as a member of its Board of Directors and Visionary Society. He is a peer reviewer for the Journal of Periodontology, has published numerous articles in refereed periodontal journals and contributed to four textbooks, and has lectured extensively throughout the world.
Miller graduated from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry in 1963 and the University of Alabama School of Dentistry, where he received his periodontal training, in 1969.
Miller was the recipient of the 1999 Master Clinician Award from the American Academy of Periodontology. He served a one-year term of president of the American Academy of Periodontology beginning in 2006.
Miller is a clinical professor in the department of periodontics at the Medical University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine.
Preston D. Miller Award
In 1930, Dr. Preston D. Miller was a high school dropout working at a lumber company. One day a man handed him a college catalog and told him to go back to school. Miller followed the man’s advice. After finishing high school, he entered Emory and Henry College for his pre-dental education. Miller graduated from the MCV School of Dentistry in 1936.
Miller began his practice, specializing in restorative dentistry. He also served his community and his alma mater as a lifelong member of the Virginia State Board of Dentistry and president-elect of the MCV Alumni Association.
Miller's family established the fund in his honor in the mid-1980s. His son, Dr. Preston D. Miller Jr., graduated from the MCV School of Dentistry in 1963, specializing in periodontics. The fund brings together the passions of father and son, rewarding a junior dental student who excels in restorative dentistry and who understands the relationship between restorative dentistry and periodontal health.